
unit 3

P1 Liverpool Culture Event Name of the event:  Back to the roots. Location:  Bill Shankly Playing Fields, West Derby Organiser:  Sean Creevy partnered with Circus events. Date:  Saturday 12 th  May 2021. Time:  12pm to 6pm Brief Introduction: This event is going to be a trial day for grass roots football and a presentation of awards at the end. This event will be based on the amateur football league of Liverpool that will trial out footballers who want to get into a grass roots team and also grass roots footballers who want to go further. Purpose This events purpose is to hopefully promote our local teams and support the cities grassroots football. We have personally invited potential sponsors so that they can invest their time and money into the different clubs and this event will prove that these sponsors if they wish to sponsor the teams they haven’t wasted their time. Furthermore, it will help those children who don’t have a football team but do want one to be able to get involved

unit 23 p2 Personal media table

  INDD- In Design   PSD-  Photshop   Cox - word  document   MP4- sony vegas   Content   Attributes/Characteristics of the Content   Unit/Component Content’s From   Skills Showcased   File Format   Print  Fashion  Magazine Layout and final designs   Cover   DPS   Contents  page   Unit  20   Thumbnails, working roughs, designs   .INDD   PSD     Planning for my magazine   Planning for my magazine using colour, text, thumbnails and images . Front and back covers ,  double page spread  and content page   Unit 20   It showcases my ability to  plan a creation of a magazine before the final product   as well as my creative thinking and ability to  join together different content .   PSD   .docx   JPG   Advertisement methods   Animated lip sync   Poster   Billboard   M ood   boa r d       Unit 20   It showcases my ability to  create a short animation using a still image and numerous images of a mouth to make an animation with audio on the background and  to be able to use different  to use phot