masthead background images

I used the 'Type Mask Tool' to create an empty word. I then used the 'Paste Special' tool to paste a variety of pictures (e.g. celebrities, graffiti, fire, the sea and the sky)  that I had previously found off of the internet to make up the background of the word 'Masthead' and this makes the word 'Masthead' more interesting and stand out as it is unique and catches the viewers eye. My favourite image that I actually put on a masthead was the water droplets because it looks amazing and stands out to me as a member of the audience. However, my least favourite background image in the word is the one with the American rapper Denzel Curry because you are not actually able to see the actual image or even tell who/what the image is.


  1. impressive end results- we don't have an insight into the process of creation, the reflection on success or otherwise of the media texts or the reason for font and image selection- as with all your posts we need the commentary to accompany them . please address.


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