image adjusments

I made these image adjustments using a image of the rapper Travis Scott. I went on  Adobe Photoshop and imported this image onto the page. After I did this, I changed the name of the layer to Travis Scott and after this I duplicated this layer to make 12 different layers of that image, these images were spread out of a piece of international paper on Photoshop. On each of the layers, I went to 'Image' then to 'Image Adjustments' from here I used the numerous different adjustments to edit each of these images and to see which one looked best and which one I liked the most. I liked the brightness, channel mixer and invert one because I really enjoyed using these adjustments and had fun using these different colours to edit an image. With this though, the one I disliked the most was the brightness edit because it is a quite boring edit and it doesn't show any real skill.


  1. these are really some quite nice effects looking at hue/ curves and other adjustments- you still need to post photo filters - Your commentary gives us the insight into your experience or creative choices but could be extended further to access D banding


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