All of the mise-en-scène elements were used in order to create the diagetic world of late nineteenth century ‘Dakota’ but most the most noticeable elements used were location and set design, costume and makeup, iconography and properties. Low-key lighting is used to portray the idea that it is filmed in the late nineteenth century as during that time there would only be oil lighting, candle lighting and lighting from the sun; therefore the low-key lighting is ideal as that's how everything would've actually looked to how they look in the trailer, this gives the town it is set in a dark nature. The design of the set and their use of props suggests that the film is set at a deprived time with no access to the use of technology and this could suggest that this town has a poverty feature towards it. The costumes for the cast and how they are portrayed in the film have evoked that the characters are formal and have the stereotypical feature of Stetson hats (cowboy hats) and this is relevant to the time that this is set in.


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