case scenario-celebrity endorsement - This is an Nespresso advert that includes the very famous actor George Clooney in 2016. This is at the point where Nespresso is a fairly big company and the fact they produced this advert then evokes that Nestle want the public to know that Nespresso are still there and are still a reliable and good product to have by using George Clooney and Jack Black. This includes George Clooney and also the famous actor Jack Black. It uses comedy, but a bland comedy as a form of advertising through the character that Jack Black plays to use Nespresso to "pull" a girl by copying George Clooney in his adverts and then is followed by George coming over and taking that girl and then Jack uses the words used by George on another girl and it works for him. - This is an Nespresso advert that includes the very famous actor George Clooney in 2018, this is at the point where Nespresso is a fairly big company and the fact they produced this advert then evokes that Nestle want the public to know that Nespresso are still there and are still a reliable and good product to have. It shows George acting as a knight in the cinema but he stops the acting and jumps out the screen and goes and gets a Nespresso. This suggests that the Nespresso is a good product to have as it stopped George Clooney doing his job. It also says at the end that 'Nespresso is worth any quest' this implies that Nespresso is worth the trip to get it. It uses comedy, but a bland comedy as a form of advertising through the character that George Clooney is playing a knight and stopping what he is doing to get an Nespresso. - This is an Nespresso advert that includes George Clooney, this was released in 2009 and at this time Nespresso wouldn't have been very big and George Clooney was a very big Hollywood star and the fact that George Clooney is on the advert this will show the audience that this product is very big and as it shows no one recognising George for who he is and is more bothered about the Nespresso means that the product must be good. This evokes that the producers are trying to make the Nespresso seem more important and better than George Clooney and this will persuade the audience to become a customer for Nespresso. It uses comedy, but a bland comedy as a form of advertising through the characters ignoring George Clooney and being more bothered about the Nespresso.

  1. Nespresso is an easy way for someone to become a sophisticated and high-class person without making drastic lifestyle changes. The target audience of these commercials is anyone who considers his or herself a coffee drinker looking for something a little more exciting from the caffeine, people of both genders and predominantly middle age group.
  2. I think that the famous actor Bradley Cooper will be a suitable replacement for George Clooney to be the brand ambassador and the celebrity endorsement for the advertisements for the Nespresso product. This is because both George Clooney and Bradley Cooper are very similar actors were by they are both very versatile with their acting and this is essential when advertising for Nespresso because as suggested when advertising for Nespresso, George Clooney plays different characters and Bradley Cooper would be able to follow in that tradition and he does have a past for advertising products.
  3. There are many different alternatives for advertising Nespresso. For example: to show a advertisement of a time lapse of the process of making the Nespresso to the moment it is drunk by a customer, this will allow the audience to determine why the price of the Nespresso is what it is because it will show the effort the coffee farmers go through to grow the bean and then produce the coffee in the factory. Furthermore, an advert could represent the life of a coffee bean. For example: since it is grew until it gets turned into a liquid to satisfy the customers. This will satisfy the customers by enticing them into wanting to know how the coffee is made and make them realise the value of this product and how the price is worth it for the product.


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