
Showing posts from November, 2019


This is my feather of multiple images merging together, each of these image have a feature of an auto vector mask and then these images overlap each other and therefore create a collage of images where you can see all of each image even though the layers are overlapping. I done this by selecting 4 images that are proved to be showing fashion and pasting them onto a piece of international paper(A4) when I done this I selected the rectangular marquee tool and squared off the part where I wanted to see then I used the shortcut ctrl+shift+I to select everything else then I pressed back space to delete that area around where I selected. I repeated this numerous times and so the effect was clearly seen when all the images where overlapping each other. I done this on two sets of 4 images, and the second set of images I selected where my favourite ones to edit because the clothes being presented were created by some of my favourite fashion designer and I was able to add the shadow effect...

the dark knight

In the film, The Dark Knight, there are certain motion scenes and images that are deemed very violent and filled with adult humour. The film contains strong fantasy violence and sustained threat and this is why the age certification is a 12A and this means that  it is not suitable for children under the age of 12 unless they are accompanied by an adult. Furthermore, it may not just be the actual scenes in the film that could be deemed unsuitable for children under the age of 12 unless they are accompanied with an adult but also the characters within the film such as, the joker, two face etc. can be deemed unsuitable for children under the age of 12 even if they are accompanied by an adult, these characters in this film may not be suitable for children under the age of 12 even though they will be accompanied by an adult because the character the joker, it a clown and therefore may strike fear in the eyes of the audience and the character two face may traum...

deadwood All of the mise-en-scène elements were used in order to create the diagetic world of late nineteenth century ‘Dakota’ but most the most noticeable elements used were location and set design, costume and makeup, iconography and properties. Low-key lighting is used to portray the idea that it is filmed in the late nineteenth century as during that time there would only be oil lighting, candle lighting and lighting from the sun; therefore the low-key lighting is ideal as that's how everything would've actually looked to how they look in the trailer, this gives the town it is set in a dark nature. The design of the set and their use of props suggests that the film is set at a deprived time with no access to the use of technology and this could suggest that this town has a poverty feature towards it. The costumes for the cast and how they are portrayed in the film have evoked that the characters are formal and have the stereotypical...

image adjusments

I made these image adjustments using a image of the rapper Travis Scott. I went on  Adobe Photoshop and imported this image onto the page. After I did this, I changed the name of the layer to Travis Scott and after this I duplicated this layer to make 12 different layers of that image, these images were spread out of a piece of international paper on Photoshop. On each of the layers, I went to 'Image' then to 'Image Adjustments' from here I used the numerous different adjustments to edit each of these images and to see which one looked best and which one I liked the most. I liked the brightness, channel mixer and invert one because I really enjoyed using these adjustments and had fun using these different colours to edit an image. With this though, the one I disliked the most was the brightness edit because it is a quite boring edit and it doesn't show any real skill.

fashion magazines

This hello! magazine is a UK based magazine that was first published in 1988, it is a weekly magazine that  you would find at your local convenience store. This magazine specialises in celebrity news and human-interest stories and is targeted at women that are over 21. The front cover of each of the hello! magazines are relatively identical as it has the same masthead logo in the top left of the cover, a bunch of headlines based round the headline celebrity and that headline celebrity is always the main cover image that covers a large proportion of the cover. At the bottom of the cover is usually different advertisements for different magazines and in the top right is a story's headline of another celebrity. This is the British version of the American magazine Vogue and is owned and distributed by Conde Nante at a monthly frequency, this magazine was first published in 1916 and you would find this magazine at your local convenience store. This magazine is mainly based around fa...

image filters

I made these image filters using an image of the rapper POLO G. I went on  Adobe Photoshop and imported this image onto the page. After I did this, I changed the name of the layer to POLO G and after this I duplicated this layer to make 15 different layers of that image, these images were spread out of a piece of international paper on Photoshop. On each of the layers, I went to 'filter' then to 'filter gallery' from here I used the numerous different filters to edit each of these images and to see which one looked best and which one I liked the most. I liked the neon glow image because I really enjoyed using this filter by adding the glow of my favourite colour and had fun using these different colours to edit an image.